Wayne Beeman is an educator and artist. Since his early years as a child, Wayne drew pictures from comic strips, magazines, movies, and comic books.
Through the inspiration of family, friends, and teachers, Wayne has continued to better his artistic skills in hopes to build a reputation as an artist…and to inspire ALL children and those young at heart to draw. Wayne welcomes everyone to engage in the resources that he is developing to guide and grow art skills and nurture personal creativity toward a life more beautiful. Wayne has taught in public education for over a decade. He holds a Bachelore's Degree in Art Education, a Master’s Degree in Instruction Technology with Specialist Certification, and a Master’s Degree equivalent in Elementary Education. Also, meeting the requirements of Pennsylvania Department of Education, Wayne has obtained updated clearances with good status record for Federal Criminal History, Pennsylvania State Criminal Record Check, and Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance. Currently, Wayne teaches in Pennsylvania to really awesome students. Wayne is privileged to teach visual arts and digital media technologies at the Troy Area School District in Troy, Pennsylvania to really awesome kids in grades three through sixth. Wayne also enjoys his time with his wife and children on the family farm. Wayne has created artwork for the following: Chidrawgo Magazine Graphic Anthology - I Like Robots Theme Kid Chaos Comic -Variant Cover Art (Pencils/Inks) Apologue: A Comic Anthology - Monsters Theme Apologue: A Comic Anthology - Robot Dreams Upper Deck Trading Cards
Affinity Press Comics
FarmShine Magazine Troy Area School District
Boys Quest Magazine Eddie McPherson Play (Covers) Holmes Vector Art Sayre Times Newspaper |